Monday, May 7, 2007


I went to Iiyama city of Nagano with my family to see "NANOHANA"(it is beautiful yellow flowers!).Iiyama city is very far from my house.We went to there by car taking about 5 hours.My father had been drived the car so he had been very tired.

I have been to there three times.Iiyama city's good point is Onsen,beaytiful scene(mountain etc..),and ofcourse NANOHANA.Iiyama city has many of MANOHAQNA.They are now full bloom.Also Iiyama city has a small festival and performs "OBORUDUKIYO music festival(朧月夜音楽祭)"And my father played MANDORIN there.OBORODUKIYO music festival has a rule.It is that peaple who perfom in OBORODUKIYO music festival must play or sing "OBORODUKIYO(it is song for children in japan.)" My father likes this song very much.The song means that there is beautiful nanohana and moon is vague.I like this song too... continue to next blog!


Hum In Anywhere said...

I like this song!
the melody is so beautyful and little sentimental,right?

And the song "The rose"(you presented)is really my favorite!
I belong to a capella circle.
So I'm planing to propose to sing the song to the members!(*^^*)

misa said...

I'm sure you had a good time in golden week .
I like nanohana , too .
It also is good to eat(^▽^)b

Thank you for your comment !
I wanna see Cinderella Man and introduce it on blog .

Well , see you next class .
