Saturday, July 26, 2008

Party at the Misa's house ②

Look at this picture!→

They look so delicious, aren't ' they?? They are cakes of the store which is in the Ryokuen-toshi(I'm sorry I forgot the store's name.)

Risa went to that store for buying them. The peach shortcake was mine!! And it was so delicious so, of course I felt happy☆

After we ate tako-yaki, we ate many desserts. For example,we ate cakes, watermelons, grape fruits, apples!! And Misa gave me a cup of the fair trade coffee which is sold in the Starbucks coffee. Even though I hardly drink coffee, but I could drink it without sweet syrups. So I think everyone can drink it.

By the way, did you see the fireworks yesterday?? I watched it on TV yesterday because there were the display of fireworks in the sumidagawa. BUT,surprisingly, we could see the fireworks from the windows of misa's room!! I think it was the fireworks of the hakkeijima-sea-paradise. It was so beautiful!

Anyway, we could enjoy our party at the misa's house!!!

Party at the Misako's house!!

Look at this picture☆ As I said in this blog, I went to misa's house for the tako-yaki party yesterday. Misa's house is in the Ryokuen, so I came to Ryokuen-toshi yesterday even though yesterday was holiday. Before Misa and I went to house, we went to the supermarket and TSUTAYA for buying foods and borrowing a DVD of summer time machine bules. In the supermarket, we bought octpus, eggs,watermelon(this was a present for misa) and natto(this was also present for misa). It was so hot day that we were tired until we arrived at misa's house.

After arriving at the house, we started to watch DVD. It was so enjoyable because it has impossible story!!

And, after 2 hours passed, the last member, Risa came to Misa's house. She lived in Ikebuiuro where is really far from Ryokuen-toshi, so she looked tired , but once we started make tako-yaki, we forgot our tiredness. It was first time for me to make taka-yaki, so first I felt it was difficult, but when I tryed many times, I got to be good at making.

←This is what we made in misa's house. It looks delilcious, isn't it?? We ate many of it and we were satisfied☆★

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Party with Misa and Risa☆★

 Tomorrow, I will go to Misa's house to eat takoyaki together. The aim of the party is to celebrate finishing video presentation. The reason why we do it now even though we finished video presentation 5 weeks ago is that we couldn't adapt our schedule to do the party and we had some problem. But, anyway, we could do party tomorrow. In misa's house , we will watch one movie whose name is summer time-machine blues. About 2 weeks ago, I watched it but I couldn't watch all of it, so we decided to see it! I recommend you to watch it!!

My plan for summer vacation

In this summer vacation, I want to travel many places. On July 30th, I will go to Izu with my family. In there, I will swim in the sea, enjoy spa, eat delicious foods and just relax to forget everyday life! Izu is really famous for delicious sea foods, so I will eat taka-asi crab which is very big and lives in the deep sea because I ate it last year ,too and It was delicious. But, my most pleasure thing is spa☆ The spa of Japanese-style hotel is one of my favorite thing.
Anyway, I want to enjoy my trip.


Yesterday, I went to Hiratsuka to eat chanko-nabe with my family except my father (because now he is traveling alone for playing golf!) , but there is no good restaurant for us, so we decided to eat syabu-syabu which is Japanese famous food because we found good syabu-syabu restaurant which has really comfortable rooms. We ate so much foods in there, so I was satisfied , but tomorrow I'll have test and report's deadline. So, I couldn't enjoy thoroughly. If we finish my test and report week, I want to enjoy my summer vacation with my friend, family , G-mates and my pretty dog,hanako very much!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

At Minatomirai

Yesterday, I went to Minatomirai with my friend. The reason why we chose Minatomirai was that my friend had to go to the Yokohama museum for her homework. At the Yokohama museum, now pictures which was chosen by 4 famous people are displayed. Those 4 members are Kenichiro Mogi, Hana, Mitsuyo Kakuta, Tsuneo Araki. Kenichiro Mogi is recently famous for the brain science , and Hana is one of my favorite models, so I was really interested in what pictures they chose. And, I was surprised there are many Japanese pictures. After going to the museum, we went to Machida to eat dinner. It was long time no see her, it became late to go back home. I want to meet her soon.

my hard report 2

As I wrote about English of Japanese in last blog, I also want to write about problems of Japanese studying English system at junior and high school. I think classes of English at those schools have many problems. For example, first problem is that they put too much stress on not speaking and listening but reading and writing. The reason why they hardly teach students speaking and listening is that writing and reading is more convenient than those at the point of making tests. That is to say, Japanese study English just for tests or good grade. Second problem is that Japanese teachers teach English in Japanese. I think it's not efficient and it doesn't need concentration on studying for students. I could notice that thing when I started to study English at Ferris University because classes of G class are took place in English, so I must concentrate on understanding what teachers say. I think Japanese classes of English must be like Intensive class of Ferris.

my hard report 1

This week, I finished my hardest report of this term. My theme of it was " Do we need studying English at elementary school?" ,and I wrote about 7000 letters. By the way, do you think elementary school students need to study English? My answer is "Yes." . But, it needs insistently in the future. The reason why I think children need to study English is that English level of Japanese is really low compared to other Asia countries even though Japan is one of the developed countries. Why are Japanese not good at English? That's why there are many problems of Japanese English studying system. In next blog, I'll write about that problems.