Sunday, July 13, 2008

my hard report 1

This week, I finished my hardest report of this term. My theme of it was " Do we need studying English at elementary school?" ,and I wrote about 7000 letters. By the way, do you think elementary school students need to study English? My answer is "Yes." . But, it needs insistently in the future. The reason why I think children need to study English is that English level of Japanese is really low compared to other Asia countries even though Japan is one of the developed countries. Why are Japanese not good at English? That's why there are many problems of Japanese English studying system. In next blog, I'll write about that problems.

1 comment:

mjpichette said...

Yes, I think so too. When young children learn a language it is MUCH easier and more natural then when junior high school kids try to learn. Look at kids in bilingual family situations. They don't even realize they are "learning a language". It just happens naturally.